Top 3 Best Drones for Windy Conditions - And Why You Should Think Twice Before Flying

Drone flying in windy conditions

Nothing is quite so exhilarating as seeing your drone zoom up hundreds of feet in the air in a matter of seconds…

And nothing makes your heart sink faster than realizing you may never see it again.

Drone race GIF. Last drone gets disintegrated


Don't let that be you!

With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to navigate high winds with all the exhilaration and none of the heart-sinking. We’ll walk through everything (and we mean everything!) you need to know about flying in less-than-ideal conditions. Because no one wants a little wind to ruin their day!

windy conditions led to this drone getting stuck in girls hair

If you’re in a hurry, jump down now to our top 3 picks for best drones for flying in windy conditions:

  1. DJI Mavi Air 2
  2. Autel Robotics EVO II
  3. Parrot Anafi USA

For our thorough pilots who are preparing on every level, read on!

The Challenge:

Flying drones in high winds requires a sturdy and stable aircraft to ensure smooth and safe flights. Why?

Basically, wind removes the predictability of drone flight.

Let me show you what I mean by walking you through some of the challenges that windy conditions present:

1. Loss of Stability:

Wind can destabilize drones, causing them to drift off course or struggle to maintain a steady altitude. This loss of stability can lead to erratic flight behavior and potential crashes, especially for lighter and less aerodynamic drone models.

2. Reduced Control:

Strong gusts of wind can make it difficult for pilots to maintain control over their drones, particularly during takeoff, landing, and precise maneuvers. Controlling the drone's direction and speed becomes more challenging in windy conditions, requiring skilled piloting techniques.

have you seen my drone gif

3. Risk of Damage:

Windy conditions increase the risk of damage to drones, particularly from collisions with obstacles or hard landings caused by turbulence. Fragile components such as propellers, motors, and gimbal systems are vulnerable to impact damage in high winds, potentially leading to costly repairs or even total loss of the drone.

4. Drain on Battery Life:

Flying drones in windy conditions requires more power to maintain stability and counteract the effects of wind. As a result, the drone's battery drains faster than usual, reducing flight time and limiting the distance the drone can travel. Pilots must carefully monitor battery levels and plan their flights accordingly to avoid unexpected landings due to depleted batteries.

5. Safety Concerns:

Windy conditions pose safety risks not only to the drone itself but also to people, property, and other aircraft in the vicinity. Strong winds can carry drones off course into restricted airspace, populated areas, or obstacles, posing a danger to bystanders and causing potential legal liabilities for the pilot.

Bottom line, flying drones in high winds requires careful planning, skillful piloting, and the use of appropriate equipment (i.e., a good wind resistant drone) to mitigate the challenges posed by adverse weather conditions. Pilots should always prioritize safety and adhere to best practices to minimize the risks associated with windy flight conditions.

Successful Wind Flights: Is it the Pilot or the Drone?

GIF of guy saying writing "It's me" on a whiteboard

Both factors are important – but selecting a drone specifically designed to handle difficult windy conditions is crucial for several reasons:

1. Improved Stability:

Wind resistant drones typically feature advanced stabilization systems, such as gyroscopes and accelerometers, that help maintain stability and control even in strong winds. These drones are better equipped to counteract wind-induced drift and maintain a steady flight path, where your average drone would be more likely to be swayed off course.

2. Enhanced Control:

Specialized drones often come equipped with advanced flight controllers and intelligent flight modes designed to optimize performance in adverse weather conditions. These features empower pilots to maintain precise control over the drone's movements, even in challenging winds, allowing for safer and more efficient flight operations.

3. Increased Durability:

Drones built to withstand high winds are constructed using robust materials and reinforced designs to endure the rigors of flight in adverse weather. This increased durability helps protect the drone from damage caused by impacts (no one can guarantee crash-free flights, especially in the wind!), turbulence, and harsh environmental conditions, ensuring longevity and reliability in demanding operational environments.

4. Extended Flight Time:

Wind-resistant drones are typically equipped with high-capacity batteries and efficient propulsion systems optimized for endurance and performance in adverse weather conditions. These drones can withstand strong winds for longer periods without draining their batteries excessively, allowing for extended flight times and greater operational flexibility.

5. Safety and Reliability:

By choosing a drone specifically designed for windy conditions, pilots can minimize the risk of accidents, crashes, and malfunctions caused by adverse weather. These drones undergo rigorous testing and certification processes to ensure compliance with safety standards and reliability criteria, providing peace of mind to pilots and operators.

Overall, investing in a drone engineered for windy conditions is essential for maximizing performance, safety, and reliability during flight operations in challenging weather environments. By selecting a drone with the right features and capabilities, pilots can confidently tackle adverse weather conditions and achieve their aerial photography, videography, and inspection objectives with ease.

Alright, I Get It, I Need a Wind-Proof Drone. How Do I Pick One?

GIF: there's a lot to weigh here

Here are the main criteria you should consider when looking for a good drone for windy conditions:

1. Wind Resistance Rating:

Look for drones with a high wind resistance rating, typically measured in Beaufort scale units or miles per hour (mph). A higher wind resistance rating indicates the drone's ability to withstand stronger wind speeds without compromising stability or control.

(Note: Not all drones have an explicit wind resistance rating…but almost all manufacturers will provide some general guidelines regarding the drones’ suitability for flying in different weather conditions, including windy environments)

2. Size and Weight:

In general, larger drones tend to perform better in windy conditions compared to smaller ones. This is because larger drones typically have more powerful motors and larger propellers, providing greater stability and control. Larger drones also weigh more, which can be a big (no pun intended) benefit, as smaller lightweight drones may be more susceptible to being blown off course by strong gusts of wind whereas heavy drones my offer greater stability and resistance to wind.

3. Stability and Control Features:

Prioritize drones equipped with advanced stabilization systems, such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, and barometers, to maintain stability and control in windy conditions. Additionally, consider drones with intelligent flight modes, such as GPS-assisted flight and altitude hold, to enhance stability and precision during flight.

4. Durable Construction:

GIF: durable fighter

Opt for drones constructed using durable materials, such as carbon fiber, reinforced polymers, and metal alloys, to withstand the rigors of flight in adverse weather conditions. A rugged and robust design helps protect the drone from damage caused by impacts, turbulence, and harsh environmental elements.

5. Powerful Propulsion System:

Choose drones with powerful motors and efficient propellers capable of generating sufficient thrust to counteract wind-induced forces and maintain steady flight. High-quality propulsion systems ensure responsive performance and reliable operation, even in challenging wind conditions.

6. Long Flight Time:

Consider drones equipped with high-capacity batteries and energy-efficient components to achieve extended flight times in windy conditions. Longer flight times allow for more prolonged aerial missions and increased operational flexibility without compromising performance or stability. In other words, you’ll have the power and battery life you need to get to where you need to go, even with the wind in your face!

7. Flight Controller Features:

GIF: Sci fi aircraft cockpit

Evaluate drones with advanced flight controllers and customizable settings that allow pilots to adjust flight parameters, such as responsiveness, agility, and stability, to suit specific weather conditions and flying preferences. This is lower on the list for a reason–but even just a good “sport” flight mode can give a little extra oomph to your engines when you need it.

8. Safety and Reliability:

Prioritize drones from reputable manufacturers with a proven track record of quality, reliability, and safety. Look for drones that comply with industry standards and regulations, undergo rigorous testing and certification processes, and incorporate safety features such as fail-safes, return-to-home functions, and obstacle avoidance systems. These extra features can help buffer you against the various issues that can arise when flying your drone in the wind.

By carefully considering these criteria, you can select the best wind resistant drone that meets your specific needs and requirements while ensuring optimal performance, stability, and safety during flight operations in adverse weather environments.

I Don’t Want to Pick, You Pick For Me!

If you want to skip the in-depth research, you’re in luck. We’ve dug in for ourselves, and for a small price, we’ll share our findings with you.

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As always, our research-based content is always free, and curated just for you. Here’s what we got:

TopShop’s Top Picks: Best Drones for Windy Conditions

Without further ado…

  1. DJI Mavic Air 2

    • Impressive wind resistance capabilities and advanced flight stabilization system.
    • Compact design and long flight time
  2. Autel Robotics EVO II

    • robust construction and powerful motors, allowing it to withstand strong winds with ease.
    • intelligent flight modes and obstacle avoidance features for added safety in windy conditions.
  3. Parrot Anafi USA

    • innovative design and aerodynamic profile, enhancing its stability in windy conditions.
    • advanced camera capabilities and rugged build quality, making it suitable for professional applications in challenging environments.

Okay, I Got My Drone, Help Me Fly It

Sure thing.

Tips for Flying your New (or Old!) Drone in Windy Conditions:

  • Check Weather Conditions: Always check the weather forecast before flying to ensure you're aware of any windy conditions or gusts that could affect your flight.
  • Choose the Right Location: Select a flying location that provides some shelter from the wind, such as a valley or behind a building, to minimize the impact of strong gusts.
  • Keep Altitude Low: Flying at a lower altitude can help reduce the effects of wind turbulence and maintain better control over the drone.
  • Monitor Battery Life: Windy conditions can increase the power consumption of the drone's motors, leading to faster battery drain. Keep a close eye on the battery level and plan for shorter flight times in windy conditions.
  • Be Prepared for Gusts: Be prepared for sudden gusts of wind that can affect the stability and control of the drone. Stay vigilant and ready to make quick adjustments as needed.
  • Use GPS-Assisted Flight Modes: Take advantage of GPS-assisted flight modes, such as Position Hold or Return to Home, to help maintain stability and control in windy conditions.
  • Avoid Flying Near Obstacles: Be mindful of flying near obstacles such as trees, buildings, or power lines, as wind conditions can cause the drone to drift unexpectedly.
  • Adjust Flight Parameters: Consider adjusting flight parameters such as speed, altitude, and flight mode to better suit the windy conditions and maintain control over the drone.
  • Practice Safe Landing: When landing in windy conditions, approach the landing site slowly and steadily to avoid being blown off course. Use caution and precision to ensure a safe landing.
  • Stay Alert and Responsive: Maintain situational awareness and stay alert to changes in wind speed and direction. Be prepared to respond quickly to any unexpected changes in flight conditions.


The importance of selecting the right drone for windy conditions cannot be overstated. It could make the difference between bringing your drone home in one piece, or in a hundred pieces. By choosing a drone specifically designed to handle adverse weather, you can maintain better control and confidence during your flights, have more fun, and avoid damaging your investment.

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